first off, Shelby had her ultrasound....Waiting for the final word from the dr but their breast specialist says everything looks good, they cant even find the cysts and mass the dr and us felt!! Praise the Lord! Shelby said she was 99.8% not worried....i asked her about the .2% and she said that wasnt worry for herslef and if she was sick, it was concern for all of us and how we would handle it...she is a tough girl! just like my mom is!!
Oh, and someone PAID for her test to be done! the insurance doesnt cover everything and with an unmet $3000 deductible i was thinking we would have to pay out of pocket....they said it was paid! I have no idea who paid it but it was paid for!
Sadly, my brother in law got very bad news. His cancer, after the body scan and pathology stuff...the dr's report says stage 4 lung/liver cancer, fast spreading, terminal, less than 2 yrs to live. We are heart broken but not giving up, we are standing in faith for his healing also! God has shown himself in each and every situation so far and i know he will shine through in this one!
He is following in my moms footsteps and praying and believeing for God to heal him as he is doing in my mom!
My mom is doing well and it looks like she wont have to have chemo or radiation!!
Both my sisters biopsys show no cancer, my mamogram hasnt been done yet...i will do it after the first if the yr probably.