I'm sure everyone has their own way of doing this. This is how I do it and maybe it will help you if
you are new to the forum and struggling to accomplish this. (hugs )
1. Right click your logo and save it to your desktop (so it will be easy to find)
2. Click on PROFILE (is way up top above the black line on the forum)
3. Click on SIGNATURE then in the white box - click on EDIT SIGNATURE
4. Click on HOST AN IMAGE (3rd button to the left of the red and white you tube button)
5. Click on BROWSE next to "FILE"
6. Navigate to the logo you saved to your desk top, click on "HOST IT"
7. Next Pop up box - lists: Thumbnail
Image URL
8. RIGHT click on the address next to IMAGE and select COPY
9. Then PASTE over to the left into your signature box.( After pasting, the small IMAGE box will close)
10. Click on PREVIEW and see if everything is the way you want it to look.
Hope it works for you!
((( hugs )))