I was thinking something like "Gingerbread & Chocolate Nursery" or "the Gingerbread Castle" or "Chocolate Peppermint Nursery" or " Gingerbread and Peppermints Nursery"
This is gonna be a tough one. lol!
I just wanna thing Christmas and Nutcracker Ballet when ever I say the name. I want to think confection, sweets, candy,Raspberry pinks,Minty greens, Milky chocolates
you , good stuff-------goody stuff. Confection.
Hey, did you all know that it is possible to continue to use a broken rooting needle?
I went through 5 rooting needles rooting the Berenguer head and picked up the pointed sharpened ends of the needles and using a darning needle,made a hole in the eraser part of a pencil and then took my broken rooting needle and slipped it in to the eraser end! It holds! because the eraser just closes in around the broken rooting needle and I could continue rooting like I had a whole new pack! How do I upload a picture here so everyone could see?( besides,it was sooooooo comfortable holding a pencil instead of a rooting needle!)