Ladies, I havent shared about what has been going on with our family, because things have happened way too fast. Cancer is about to steal a family member soon..... and I a NOT OK WITH THAT!!!!
My sister in laws mom was having a lot of headaches a couple months ago, and went to the doctor. They did a CT and found 3 tumors in her head, as well as one in her lung. They immediately went with radiation, (God knows why) all that did was make things worse. The cancer has now spread throughout her body in less than 2 months time. They say there is nothing they can do, and as of this morning , the family called in hospice. We had Tammy down to see family over the weekend, and she could barely walk, sit, stand, anything. I never expected to see her in this bad of a condition so fast. Hospice has had a hospital bed brought in, got her a prescrition of xanax to help calm her anxiety. (she has not slept for more than an hour at a time in 2 whole months) Today, after giving her xanax as well as as a few other things, and tweaking her morphine some, she slept for 8 hours straight! Her body is winding down, and she is scared. She has 3 daughters with my sister in law being the eldest. Please pray that I can continue to guide them through this journey. No one else seems to be helping, with the exception of hospice now, and the girls just dont know what to do. I myself have a lot on my plate.....but I know God only gives us what we can handle, one of the biggest things I am having a hard time getting across to the girls, is that this is happening really quickly, and they NEED to say their good byes, now, before she goes. I dont want them to regret anything after she passes. As I type throat is closing up on me, and I have to keep swallowing a lump. This is so hard to deal with end of life decisions, especially when no one was prepared, please pray for my continued stregnth, and hopefully God led guidance for the girls. I plan on making a trip with the girls, to say my good byes as well. Tammy is an awsome lady, and I really struggle seeing anyone suffering......