The rules for the Creative Cradle contest are pretty simple!
1. Creation must be yours and DOESNT Have to be anonymous!
2. 3 pics: 1 full body, 1 close up, 1 creative expression/artist choice
3. Your creation can be anything other than normal reborn, anything from critters/critter kits to modified reborn fairy, monster, you name it! ANYTHING GOES!
4. Current or past work is eligible and you may enter more than more creation!
I will have Lara make this a sticky so its here for everyone to refer to.
The contest will run for 5 days and will start on the 10th of whichever month I run the contest. I will try to have at least 2 per year. it will depend on how many entries we get for the contests.
The contest for this year are
July ( Congrats Rachael )
and October